Do you know what carrier you need and want to arrange a fast-track collection?

We have an online catalogue where you can browse the carriers we have in stock and see when they are due back.

To hire you will need your own MyTurn account. If you do not have one you can create an account here. Once logged in you can select the item you wish to hire, input collection and return dates and then submit. We will check the availability of the item and email updates to you when approved and ready for collection. Collection will be from the Sling Spot shop (opening times below). If you wish for it to be posted, please let us know.

Please note that fast track hire does not include the fitting and usage advice we offer at library sessions or consultations, and is only suitable for those who are familiar with carriers and how to use them safely. If you would like some in person support, an appointment or a library session would be best (see our services for more information).

If you are a confident sling user but not sure which brand or size you need, a free ten minute appointment with one of our experts may help. Please arrange this here.

Please note that families may choose to renew carriers and we cannot guarantee the sling of your choice will be returned on time, or hasn’t been pre-booked; we will do our best to meet your needs.