The Sheffield Sling Surgery and Library was established in 2013, to keep parents and children close and connected.
Our highly experienced team offer in-person appointments and hires to local parents and caregivers, as well as online Zoom appointments, supportive group sessions (including 4th Trimester and Stay and Play with feeding and nappy support) postal hires and sales from Sling Spot.
Our sling library has been supporting parents and caregivers in Sheffield and beyond since 2013. Established by Rosie Knowles, as the Sheffield Sling Surgery, it has evolved and grown to be a thriving community service, supporting new parents to survive the early months, learn how to use carriers, and get some infant feeding support. We took on the Nappy Library service at the end of 2022.
All our services are offered by an expert team of trained professionals. We know that slings/carriers have a very positive effect on family mental health and wellness, giving caregivers their hands back and helping infants and children to develop optimally and to thrive. Our staff and volunteers are all parents who have all had their lives changed by the Sheffield sling community and want to share this with you!
What is it that you actually do at the Sling Library?
We’re in the business of building bonds, helping families to care for their children in ways that bring stability, peace and hope. Close contact by carrying helps these bonds to build. We don’t care how you carry your child; be it in a towel, or a tie-on carrier or something with buckles or simply in your arms.
We care that you DO carry your child, that the bonds of mutual love and confident security are built and maintained for a positive future. We don’t care too much for complex rules, and we aren’t here to judge but we do want to help you carry your child safely and comfortably, in a way that works for your whole family.
We care that you have another tool in your armoury to help you cope with the challenges of parenting without losing yourself in what can be an arduous journey. We’re here to help you and your family to thrive.

We welcome everyone. We help families find safe, well-made baby carriers that fit comfortably and are easy to put on. Many people try carriers from the library shelves, testing a few out with our support and taking a couple home on hire to see how they feel in real life and if they work well. We help people make the most of their own carriers and will support them if they need tweaks and adjustments, and recommend alternatives if needed. We teach people how to use their carriers in a range of ways, such as for hip and back carries, and facing forwards. We sell a range of excellent brands in the Sling Spot shop next door and online.
We teach skills, such as ring sling or woven wrap use, and help people make the most of their buckles, stretchies and more, and offer one to one sessions for some in depth learning and support (that is often far beyond the actual sling itself!) We offer group sessions, such as the 4th Trimester group and Stay and Play (with feeding support and the cloth nappy natters).
We are all parents ourselves, and are always ready to listen when needed, offer tea and signpost to other resources.
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